Death Master

From Ethene
A Weddie in the Death Master armor set

This is a page that will be used for information about the Death Master class.

Class List



Class Quests

Unlock Quest: Quest 603 - Twilight Deathmaster (黄昏のデスマスター)

Quest 604 - Injured fan (けがされた扇)
Quest 605 - Is the Stone Tape a Crybaby? (地縛霊は泣き虫?)
Quest 606 - Please Bentler Coin! (お願いベントラーコイン!)
Quest 607 - Take you from twilight (黄昏より君を連れて)
Quest 608 - You swear to the soul that rises to heaven (天に昇る魂に君は誓う)

Class Tree Skills

NOTE: Any skill with a(専)is an "exclusive" skill, meaning it only applies to the current class.

Spiritual Ability (霊感)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
死霊召喚(専)(Shiryō shōkan) Spirit Summon (Exclusive) ? Summons one of three different types of spirits to aid you in battle. 0 - 0
死霊の導き(専)(Shiryō no michibiki) Spirit Guidance (Exclusive) ? ???? 2 - 8
デスパワー解放(専)(Desupawā kaihō) Death Power Release (Exclusive) ? Strengthens your currently summoned spirit. Consumes 4 levels of death power. 0 - 28
呪詛(専)(Juso) Curse (Exclusive) ? Deals three darkness-attribute attacks to a single target, and raises your death power slightly. 10 - 48
深淵の契り(専)(Shin'en no chigiri) Abyss Contract (Exclusive) ? Increases your attack and recovery magic power by 2 stages, and grants you a revive after death effect. Consumes 1 level of death power. 0 - 70
反魂の秘術(専)(Hankon no hijutsu) Secret Soulless Art (Exclusive) ? Recovers HP of all allies in range, as well as reviving any dead party members in range as well. 10 25/75 100
死霊の守り(専)(Shiryō no mamori) Spirit's Protection (Exclusive) ? One ally will be protected by a spirit, reducing their damage taken by 10% for 60 seconds. 6 45/90 110
サクリファイス(専)(Sakurifaisu) Sacrifice (Exclusive) ? Explodes one of your spirits, dealing large damage and raising your death power by 1 level. 12 20/45 130
大呪詛(専)(Dai juso) Greater Curse (Exclusive) ? Deals a darkness-attribute attack to a single target and any surrounding enemies, and stuns any enemies afflicted with the curse status. Raises your death power by 1 level. 18 30/60 140
マヒャデドス(専)(Mahyadedosu) Mahyadedos (Exclusive) Kacrackle Deals extreme ice damage to one enemy and the surrounding area of enemies. 24 25/60 150
ギラグレイド(専)(Giragureido) Giragrade (Exclusive) Kasizzle Deals extreme fire damage in a straight line. 24 I(60/120), II(40/80), III(30/60) 180*
死霊覚醒術(専)(Shiryō kakusei jutsu) Spirit Awakening (Exclusive) ? Strengthens your current spirit, increasing its tension by 1 level and an effect that increases tension when an action is used. Also nullifies the next source of damage it would take. Consumes 1 level of death power. 12 I(30/65), II(20/50) 200*