
Vocation Quests: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
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=== [[Warrior]] (戦士) ===
*[[Quest 52|Quest 52 - The Trials of an Old Man (とある老行者の試練)]]
*[[Quest 53|Quest 53 - The RoadEndless toPath Shuraof Relentless War (修羅への道)]]
*[[Quest 54|Quest 54 - Dark Boundaries with Darkness (闇との境界)]]
*[[Quest 55|Quest 55 - The EndLimit of Strength (強さの果て)]]
*[[Quest 56|Quest 56 - The RealTrue Enemy is...(真の敵は)]]
=== [[Priest]] (僧侶) ===
*[[Quest 57|Quest 57 - Request of the Incense Master (香術師の依頼)]]
*[[Quest 58|Quest 58 - Baptism of the God of Eldona (ルドナ神の洗礼)]]
*[[Quest 59|Quest 59 - Call of the Reaper (死神の呼び声)]]
*[[Quest 60|Quest 60 - Saint's Balance (聖者の天秤)]]
*[[Quest 61|Quest 61 - Monk's War (僧侶の戦い)]]
=== [[Mage]] (魔法使い) ===
*[[Quest 62|Quest 62 - Encounter Is A Mirror (出会いは合わせ鏡)]]
*[[Quest 63|Quest 63 - Shines When You Polish It! (みがけば光る!)]]
*[[Quest 64|Quest 64 - First Off Party (はじめてのオフ会)]]
*[[Quest 65|Quest 65 - Wizard Is Missing (魔法使いは行方不明)]]
*[[Quest 66|Quest 66 - Lunan's Identity (リュナンの正体)]]
=== [[Martial Artist]] (武闘家) ===
*[[Quest 67|Quest 67 - The Legacy of the Super Tendou (超天道士の遺産)]]
*[[Quest 68|Quest 68 - Second Trial (弐の試練)]]
*[[Quest 69|Quest 69 - Successor (名を継ぐ者)]]
*[[Quest 70|Quest 70 - Life or Death (生か死か)]]
*[[Quest 71|Quest 71 - Yarn Tearful Tekken (ヤーン 涙の鉄拳)]]
=== [[Thief]] (盗賊) ===
*[[Quest 72|Quest 72 - Treasure Hunt! (トレジャーハント!)]]
*[[Quest 73|Quest 73 - Get Back Your Keepsake! (形見を取り返せ!)]]
*[[Quest 74|Quest 74 - Request for Budecho (ブデチョの依頼)]]
*[[Quest 75|Quest 75 - The Spirit of Thieves (盗賊の心意気)]]
*[[Quest 76|Quest 76 - The Longing Thief King (あこがれの盗賊王)]]
=== [[Minstrel]] (旅芸人) ===
*[[Quest 77|Quest 77 - Disciple of a Traveling Entertainer (旅芸人の弟子)]]
*[[Quest 78|Quest 78 - The Disappearing Traveling Entertainer (消えた旅芸人)]]
*[[Quest 79|Quest 79 - At the End of Training (修行の果てに)]]
*[[Quest 80|Quest 80 - A Man Who Forgot His Tricks (芸を忘れた男)]]
*[[Quest 81|Quest 81 - The Height of Laughter (笑いの極み)]]
=== [[Battle Master]] (バトルマスター) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 177|Quest 177 - Hop to it, Battle Master! (パシれ!バトルマスター)]]
* [[Quest 179|Quest 179 - Coliseum back menu (コロシアムの裏メニュー)]]
* [[Quest 180|Quest 180 - Moonlight flower picking (月光の花摘み)]]
* [[Quest 181|Quest 181 - Batlympics / Qualifying (バトリンピック・予選編)]]
* [[Quest 182|Quest 182 - Batlympics Final (バトリンピック・決勝編)]]
* [[Quest 183|Quest 183 - The Sword (剣となる者)]]
=== [[Paladin]] (パラディン) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 98|Quest 98 - Paladin Tips (パラディンの心得)]]
*[[Quest 100|Quest 100 - Paladin's Work (パラディンのお仕事)]]
=== Armamentalist (魔法戦士) ===
*[[Quest 101|Quest 101 - Top Secret Mission (極秘の任務)]]
*[[Quest 102|Quest 102 - A bright day (うららかな日)]]
*[[Quest 103|Quest 103 - Genya's Secret (ジェニャの秘密)]]
*[[Quest 104|Quest 104 - Shield (盾となる者)]]
=== Ranger[[Armamentalist]] (レンジャー魔法戦士) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 144|Quest 144 - Royal Palace Magic Warriors (王宮の魔法戦士たち)]]
*[[Quest 146|Quest 146 - Diplomatic mission (外交任務)]]
=== Sage (賢者) ===
*[[Quest 147|Quest 147 - Bad Feelings (うごめくモノたち)]]
*[[Quest 148|Quest 148 - Forked Road (分かれ道)]]
*[[Quest 149|Quest 149 - Hold your sword (剣をかかげて)]]
*[[Quest 150|Quest 150 - With pride and love (誇りと、愛と)]]
=== Superstar[[Ranger]] (スーパースタレンジャー) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 99|Quest 99 - This Ranger Association (こちらレンジャー協会)]]
*[[Quest 105|Quest 105 - First mission is Molinara (初任務はモリナラ)]]
=== Monster Master (まもの使い) ===
*[[Quest 106|Quest 106 - Follow the loggers! (伐採者を追え!)]]
*[[Quest 107|Quest 107 - Forest Convict (森の断罪者)]]
*[[Quest 108|Quest 108 - Spirit Trials (精霊の試練)]]
*[[Quest 109|Quest 109 - The forest is alive (森は生きている)]]
=== Item Master[[Sage]] (どうぐ使い賢者) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 178|Quest 178 - Gate to the Sage (賢者への登竜門)]]
*[[Quest 184|Quest 184 - Dolma ★ Lesson (ドルマ★レッスン)]]
=== Dancer (踊り子) ===
*[[Quest 185|Quest 185 - Whereabouts of friends (友の行方)]]
*[[Quest 186|Quest 186 - Visit the Ancient Sage(いにしえの聖賢を訪ねて) ]]
*[[Quest 187|Quest 187 - Cursed Hands to Friends (呪われし友に手を)]]
*[[Quest 188|Quest 188 - Battle of the Sages (賢者たちの戦い)]]
=== Fortune Teller[[Superstar]] (占い師スーパースター) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 145|Quest 145 - Welcome ♪ Rising Star (ようこそ♪ひよっ子ちゃん)]]
*[[Quest 151|Quest 151 - Smiling ♪ You're So Sweet (うふ♪まだまだ甘ちゃんね)]]
=== Druid (天地雷鳴士) ===
*[[Quest 152|Quest 152 - You Like it Hot ♪ (お熱いのが好きでしょ♪)]]
*[[Quest 153|Quest 153 - Come on ♪ Let's Bloom (さあ♪咲き乱れるのよ)]]
*[[Quest 154|Quest 154 - The Stage is Yours ♪ (舞台はあなたのモノよ♪)]]
*[[Quest 155|Quest 155 - The Ultimate Realm of Expression (究極の表現領域)]]
=== Gadabout[[Monster Master]] (遊び人まもの使い) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 273|Quest 273 - How about a monster user? (まもの使いは いかが?)]]
*[[Quest 274|Quest 274 - Monmon Momon Visit (もんもん モーモン訪問)]]
=== Deathmaster (デスマスター) ===
*[[Quest 275|Quest 275 - Dispatched! Dragon Kids (出動!ドラゴンキッズ)]]
*[[Quest 276|Quest 276 - Monster User Advancement (まもの使いの前進)]]
*[[Quest 277|Quest 277 - Leaping Monster User (飛躍するまもの使い)]]
*[[Quest 278|Quest 278 - Scout Attack of Tears (涙のスカウトアタック)]]
=== Demon[[Item SwordsmanMaster]] (魔剣士どうぐ使い) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 303|Quest 303 - Birth of an Item User (どうぐ使い誕生)]]
*[[Quest 304|Quest 304 - Item User Special Training (どうぐ使いの特訓)]]
*[[Quest 305|Quest 305 - Delcroix's Study (デルクロアの研究)]]
*[[Quest 306|Quest 306 - A Man Who Loved Item Users (どうぐを愛した男)]]
*[[Quest 307|Quest 307 - Mystery of the Drawer (タンスの奥義)]]
*[[Quest 308|Quest 308 - The Age of Item Users (どうぐ使いの時代)]]
=== [[Dancer]] (踊り子) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 393|Quest 393 - Dancer conditions (踊り子の条件)]]
*[[Quest 394|Quest 394 - The Legend of the Dancer's Origin (はじまりの踊り子伝説)]]
*[[Quest 395|Quest 395 - The Legend of the Sorrowful Bread Crusts (哀愁のパン耳伝説)]]
*[[Quest 396|Quest 396 - The Legend of the Farewell Letter (惜別の置き手紙伝説)]]
*[[Quest 397|Quest 397 - The Legend of the God's Challenge (挑戦の荒神伝説)]]
*[[Quest 398|Quest 398 - The Legend of the Dancer's End (終幕の踊り子伝説)]]
=== [[Fortune Teller]] (占い師) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 431|Quest 431 - Urgent recruitment! Apprentice fortune teller (急募! 見習い占い師)]]
*[[Quest 432|Quest 432 - First job to connect the hearts (心をつなぐ初仕事)]]
*[[Quest 433|Quest 433 - A shining star (かがやける期待の星)]]
*[[Quest 434|Quest 434 - Fortune-tellers' holiday (占い師たちの休日)]]
*[[Quest 435|Quest 435 - Grim Reaper snuggles up to a girl (死神は少女に寄り添う)]]
*[[Quest 436|Quest 436 - Staring at the darkness (闇を見つめて)]]
=== [[Druid]] (天地雷鳴士) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 485|Quest 485 - Thunder roars in Amatsuchi (あまつちに雷鳴轟く)]]
*[[Quest 486|Quest 486 - Yin and Yang Princesses (陰日向の姫たち)]]
*[[Quest 487|Quest 487 - Water fish that do not intersect (交わらぬ水魚)]]
*[[Quest 488|Quest 488 - The Abomination of the Passing Day (過ぎし日の忌み)]]
*[[Quest 489|Quest 489 - The words of the demon (鬼神の言)]]
*[[Quest 490|Quest 490 - Jyotenchi Curse (浄天地呪)]]
*[[Quest 567|Quest 567 - Qi Men Dun Jia's Ceremony Ichi (奇門遁甲の式・壱)]]
=== [[Gadabout]] (遊び人) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 544|Quest 544 - "Trendy" Playboy (イマドキの遊び人)]]
*[[Quest 545|Quest 545 - Rumored Superb View (ウワサのイタ映え絶景)]]
*[[Quest 546|Quest 546 - Farming in Tsusukul Field (ツスクル畑でたがやして)]]
*[[Quest 547|Quest 547 - Honey Party! (ハニーパーティー!)]]
*[[Quest 548|Quest 548 - Gadabout's Courage Test (遊び人の肝試し)]]
*[[Quest 549|Quest 549 - Gadabout Fireworks (遊び人ファイアワークス)]]
=== [[Death Master]] (デスマスター) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 603|Quest 603 - Twilight Deathmaster (黄昏のデスマスター)]]
*[[Quest 604|Quest 604 - Injured fan (けがされた扇)]]
*[[Quest 605|Quest 605 - Are Ghosts Crybabies? (地縛霊は泣き虫?)]]
*[[Quest 606|Quest 606 - Request Bentler Coin! (お願いベントラーコイン!)]]
*[[Quest 607|Quest 607 - Take You From Twilight (黄昏より君を連れて)]]
*[[Quest 608|Quest 608 - You Swear to the Soul that Ascends to Heaven (天に昇る魂に君は誓う)]]
=== [[Demon Swordsman]] (魔剣士) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 661|Quest 661 - Magic Swordsman Tavern (魔剣士転職クエスト:魔剣士の酒場)]]
*[[Quest 662|Quest 662 - Black Reunion (魔剣士クエスト第1話:黒き再会)]]
*[[Quest 663|Quest 663 - Girl's Cry (魔剣士クエスト第2話:少女の叫び)]]
*[[Quest 664|Quest 664 - Memory of Tragedy (魔剣士クエスト第3話:惨劇の記憶)]]
*[[Quest 665|Quest 665 - Feeling of the Blade (魔剣士クエスト第4話:刃の感触)]]
*[[Quest 666|Quest 666 - The Depth of Despair (魔剣士クエスト第5話:絶望の底へ)]]
=== [[Pirate]] (海賊) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 694|Quest 694 - Pirates Wanted!]]
*[[Quest 695|Quest 695 - Remnants of Battle (戦いの残痕)]]
*[[Quest 696|Quest 696 - Treasure Map (おたからの地図)]]
*[[Quest 697|Quest 697 - Pirates of Tyranny (専制政治の海賊)]]
*[[Quest 698|Quest 698 - Joint Front (共同戦線)]]
*[[Quest 699|Quest 699 - The Treasure in My Hands (越宝を我が手に)]]
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